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AMN Healthcare Language Services

As the next stage of the Stratus Video brand evolution, we have shut down the Stratus Video website and are excited to redirect traffic to for you to learn more about interpreter career opportunities and our leading healthcare interpreting services.

nurse, patient and virtual language interpreter
Language interpretation meeting via tablet

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Language Services Blogs

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Notetaking: Tips & Tricks for Interpreters

Notetaking is a tremendous skill that can be built and refined to aid the interpreter with memory retention, as it makes it easier to recall message details.

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Elderly man have video call with doctor at home


What Is VRI?

Learn how to best incorporate VRI into your facilities existing suite of interpretive services and the next steps to using video remote interpreting solutions.

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Five Tech Tips for Interpreters New to Video

For those interpreters new to the camera, here are five simple and practical tips that can help smooth the transition and ensure a positive experience for both you and the Limited English Proficient patients you serve.

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