smiling nurse standing at nurses station
Nursing Travel June 15, 2017

Top Quotes for Nurses

Career Advice and More from AMN Healthcare Travel Nurse Stories

Looking forward to 2015, travel nurses across America will be experiencing career growth, travel adventures and the freedom to enjoy the unique lifestyle of travel nursing. To help guide your way, AMN Healthcare has assembled the sagest advice and the most notable quotes for nurses from our own travel nurse stories, news articles and recruiter tips from this past year.

So read on, and apply when you are ready to create your own travel nurse stories

Quotes for nurses: Travel nursing

“One of the best things about the career is that as an RN you have a lot of career options … For me, traveling was a great way to see the country, visit friends and experience new things in a super economical way. Beyond the fun, being a travel nurse was good for my career. top quotes for travel nursesTraveling validates your skills and increases your confidence level. I had amazing opportunities for additional training.”
— Jennifer McCaffrey, RN, MSN, FNP, former AMN Healthcare travel nurse.

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“Staff nurses are aware that travel nurses are knowledgeable and can be utilized very well within the unit. We work as a team, and there’s a special bond among travel nurses who help each other.  Travel nursing offers me a way to adapt more to my nursing practice and to gain new ways of doing things to advance my knowledge about my nursing specialty.”
— Kathy Bui, RN, BSN, AMN Healthcare travel nurse.

“Once you step onto a nursing unit, your nursing knowledge and skills will come back to you because you are a nurse.”
— Lauren Roman, RN, AMN Healthcare travel nurse, with Mike Vallely, RN.

“As travel nurses, we’re not there to change how things are done. You’ve got to roll with it in regards to your routine and jive with the rest of the team. As long as you have that skill, you’ll usually find that you work well with other team members.”
— Mike Vallely, RN, AMN Healthcare travel nurse, with Lauren Roman, RN.

“Travel nursing is great because it shows consistency, dependability and accountability. It’s such a small world that advancing your nursing career these days is not about what you know, but who you know. When you have all of these different hospitals and contacts in your background, you never know who you are going to run into.”
— May Lane Harvey, recruitment manager for AMN Healthcare.

See Also
California Dreaming: A Guide to Thriving as a Travel Nurse in the Golden State Part 2


Quotes for nurses: Patient care

“Nurses are really seen as trusted agents, where patients and families are more apt to share with them what’s really going on below the surface--and that gives them insight into possible solutions to help eliminate some of the challenges that patient is experiencing.”
— Dawn Bazarko, DNP, MPH, RN, FAAN, SVP, Center for Nursing Advancement at UnitedHealth Group.

“Caregivers may attend to hand hygiene guidelines less as their work shifts wear on … Leveraging patient engagement may help.”
— Hengchen Dai, researcher and PhD candidate at the University of Pennsylvania.

Quotes for nurses: Self-care

“Nurses are taught to be patient advocates and to help our patients,top quotes for nurses: Self-care but I think we as nurses also have to be our own advocate and our professional advocate.”
— Susan Sanders, DNP, RN, vice president of nursing for Kaplan Test Prep.

“You’re only as good as you are balanced. If you don’t take the time for yourself, even with the array of responsibilities that pressure you now, you will not be the best that you can be.”
— Sharon Weinstein, MS, RN, co-author of B is for Balance, in “12 Steps to Nurses’ Work–Life Balance”

“There are also long-term health consequences for sleep deprivation, especially in women compared to men. Women are at higher risk for breast cancer, shorter menstrual cycles, miscarriages and sub-fertility. I think really having the nurses be aware and making informed decisions about their schedules is key.”
— Monica Mallampalli, PhD, MSc, director of scientific programs, Society for Women’s Health Research.

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