Forest with smoke billowing above
Nursing Critical June 28, 2021

Wildfire Preparedness

If a wildfire has the potential to impact your health and safety, are you ready?? In California, the peak of wildfire season is between August and November, so for peace of mind and the safety of you and your family, be sure to make preparations now. Wildfires are unplanned, unwanted fire burning in a natural area. They can damage property and jeopardize the safety of humans and animals alike. Take time now to prepare for ways that wildfire season might impact you, keeping in mind that your planning may be different this year because of COVID-19.

Be Ready for a Wildfire - Go Early

When immediate evacuation is necessary, review your Evacuation Checklist, including your Family Communication Plan, and evacuate early. Build your personalized Action Plan and get text messages on CAL FIRE incidents using the Ready for Wildfire Web App.

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Ensure you plan with COVID-19 in mind. Check if you can stay with family or close friends outside the affected area. Ask if they are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or are at higher risk for serious illness. If yes, make other arrangements such as a hotel or shelter, and remember to account for pets as some hotels and shelters may not be able to accommodate four-legged friends. 


Check out the CALFIRE resources, including interactive tools available to assist with your Wildfire Evacuation planning.

Even if you are not in an area prone to wildfires, take time now to assess and prepare for how air quality, transportation closures, or other disruptions related to fires might impact you and those you love.  You and your loved one’s safety is important to us! For more information on wildfire preparedness during COVID-19, please visit the American Red Cross website.

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Wildfire Safety Resources

American Red Cross - How to Prepare for A Wildfire

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