Trees down on a road after a tornado
Nursing Contract Updated November 14, 2023

Tornado Preparedness

Peak tornado season runs between March and June and will vary depending on location. Regardless of the time of year or location, taking a few basic steps to prepare for such emergencies can help team members stay safe during a tornado. They tend to occur in the afternoons and evenings, with 50% occurring between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. 

Recommended steps include signing up for local weather alerts, keeping stock of emergency supplies, identifying safe places at home and work, and creating an emergency communication plan to stay in touch with friends, family, and coworkers. Know your local emergency shelters and the best routes to get there if you need

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During a Tornado Warning:

Get In: Seek shelter immediately. Get as far inside a strong building as you can, putting as many walls between you and the outside as possible. Stay away from doors and windows.

  1. Get Down: If underground shelter is not available, go to the lowest floor possible and get as low as possible to avoid flying debris.
  2. Cover Up: Protect your head and neck with whatever you can find – pillows, blankets, rugs, helmets, etc. Monitor local news and alerts for updates.


Know the Difference – Watch vs. Warning

Tornado WATCH

A tornado is possible within your area. Be prepared to take shelter.


A tornado is happening or imminent. Take shelter immediately.

For more information on emergency preparedness, visit the American Red Cross ( website.

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Tornado Safety Resources

American Red Cross - How to Prepare for A Tornado

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