Do The Right Thing #4

Do The Right Thing #4 – Safety, Health & Well-being of Healthcare Professionals

The safety of our healthcare professionals and other team members is always the highest priority for AMN Healthcare. In the COVID-19 crisis, AMN is taking additional steps and devoting expanded resources to the well-being of our clinicians.

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First, it is critical to make sure we can listen, hear and respond to each caregivers’ concerns and experience. To help ensure the clinician voice is amplified we created a COVID-19 hotline (800-887-1456) for our healthcare professionals and clients. Staffed 24/7, the hotline can connect the caller to one of over 50 clinical managers available for questions from clinicians or organizations related to COVID-19 or any other issues. They can also find help with questions ranging from what to do if they are potentially or actually exposed to COVID-19, insight or guidance on new environments or processes the clinician may be encountering.

While AMN helps protect clinicians’ safety, we are also here to provide support if they become quarantined. Pay, housing, benefits, and other AMN services* to clinicians will be continued throughout quarantine, so that they can remain focused on their health. The AMN clinical care team makes Care Calls to all clinicians who are quarantined to check on their health and well-being and any needs they may have while isolating.

Our AMN Employee Assistance Program, or EAP, is also available to our clinicians and corporate team members. The EAP provides resources and an experienced benefits coordinator at any time to find solutions to a wide range of physical and mental health, personal, legal or financial challenges.

A major area of concern for clinicians serving during the pandemic is the supply of personal protective equipment or PPE. Healthcare organizations themselves are the suppliers of PPE that are necessary in their care settings. However, PPE has become a complex issue because of supply and testing challenges. Supply and demand for PPE will change throughout the pandemic. This is an issue that we take very seriously.

Traveler wearing a mask to protect herself from contracting COVID-19.
See Also
7 Ways Public Health Could Change Due to COVID


Clinicians can voice concerns about PPE to the AMN clinical team, which will then work to address the concern with clinical leaders at the healthcare organization where they are working. AMN is collaborating with a variety of PPE vendors, non-profit organizations, group purchasing organizations and our clients to address the supply of PPE, including our own donation of PPE to organizations.

Any clinician or client of AMN should not hesitate to call the AMN COVID-19 hotline about health and safety concerns related to the pandemic. The health and safety of clinicians is always a top priority.

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