Transcend Language Barriers with Over-the-Phone Interpretation (OPI)

Our healthcare-exclusive platform connects you with qualified medical interpreters in more than 200 languages on virtually any audio-enabled device.
A picturesque sunset over a mountain range, with trees and buildings silhouetted against the orange and pink sky.

Language Services by the Numbers


Audio Languages Supported


Interpretation Session Satisfaction


Customer Renewal Rate


Proud partners with 12 out of the 15 leading health systems in the US.

Telephone Interpretation FAQs

How do I set up OPI services?

Contact your account manager to learn more about our Over-the-Phone Interpretation (OPI) or schedule a consultation.  

What languages are available with OPI services?

Our audio services  provide around-the-clock access in more than 200 languages. Additionally, our Video Remote Interpreting solution [link here] is fully integrated if video is preferred.

Is there any special equipment required to use the service?

No, interpreters can be reached from any cell phone or landline, or using the app on any iOS or Android device or web browser.

How can I connect with an interpreter?

Our OPI system lets you quickly select your desired interpretation language and connect directly to an interpreter. To use it, simply call your dedicated audio phone number and select the language you need from the menu.

Remote Interpreting Resources

Do you want to learn more about our language services solutions? Check out these featured blogs and continue your journey.

A certified interpreter working at a computer


National Certification for Medical Interpreters

Medical interpreters in healthcare delivery facilitate communication between patients who do not speak English or are hearing impaired.

AMN Healthcare Language Services completes SOC 2 Assessment


Language Services Successfully Completes a SOC 2 Assessment

We’ve completed our SOC 2 (Service Organization Control Type 2) report to further our data security. 

AMN qualified medical interpreter with patient and doctor


FAQ: Health Equity and Compliance in 2024 (Language Access)

A list of frequently asked questions regarding health equity and compliance in 2024.

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I agree to receive emails, automated text messages and phone calls (including calls that contain prerecorded content) from and on behalf of AMN Healthcare, and affiliates. I understand these messages will be to the email or phone number provided, and will be about employment opportunities, positions in which I’ve been placed, and my employment with AMN companies. See privacy policy or cookie policy for more details.