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AMN Healthcare

On iPhone/Android setup instructions - End User side

  1. Read thru this instruction set completely at least one time.
  2. Perform the below steps on your mobile phone while reading this on your mobile phone.
  3. On the iPhone/Android phone, delete Cisco Jabber if already installed. This is extremely important.
  4. If your phone is on the AMN/Advanced wifi network, disconnect from it.
  5. Search for Cisco Jabber on the Apple App store or Google Play
  6. Install the app and DO NOT startup the new app
  7. Click on the configuration link below:
  8. Jabber will launch and automatically just ask for the username and password.
  9. Your username should be firstname.lastname. Do not enter your email address.
  10. If this fails, go thru the above steps again, making sure to delete Cisco Jabber first.
  11. Jabber will ask about an invalid certificate, please accept it.
  12. Jabber setup is completed. The phone number is the same as Jabber on your computer.