Inspire Communication, Change Lives – Find Your School SLP Job!

Browse our database of high-paying school Speech Language Pathologist jobs in schools across the nation.

Advance Your Speech Language Pathology Career

AMN offers career advancement opportunities for Speech Language Pathology Jobs. Connect with a recruiter today to view your options.

Speed up Your SLP Contract Booking Process with AMN Healthcare

Utilize the top rated healthcare staffing app, AMN Passport, to apply and communicate with your recruiter. Get the job you want when you want it.

High-paying SLP Salary in Schools

Earn up to {{MaxPayrate}}/{{RateTypeFull}}

A school SLP job allows you to embrace your love for speech therapy and your passion for traveling. Professionally, speech-language pathologists have the largest database of travel jobs to choose from, and SLPs working in a school setting are in high demand! Join AMN today and achieve financial success!


*Disclaimer: Travel SLP job wages are based on average rates and may be impacted by facility budgets and seasonality and may include a combination of taxable and non-taxable earnings and reimbursements.


scholarship contest with traveler holding a diploma

$5,000 Scholarship Opportunity!

Invest In Your Future

If you're pursuing a degree in OT, PT, SLP, or School Psychology, we want to help! Apply for our bi-annual $5,000 scholarship and take a step closer to your career goals. 

How to Apply:

  • Submit an original 500-word essay by May 4, 2025
  • Share your vision: Where do you see yourself in five years? How will you use your skills to make a meaningful impact in your community?

Apply for Speech Language Pathologist Opportunities Today!

Take the first step to starting your new career.

Authorized to work in the US? *
Job Type Interest *
Have you been on an Interim engagement with AMN before? *
Are you currently employed or on an active Interim engagement? *

How much notice would you have to give? *

How much notice would you have to give? *

What date are you available to start an Interim engagement? *

What date are you available to start an Interim engagement? *

* Indicates Required Fields


I agree to receive emails, automated text messages and phone calls (including calls that contain prerecorded content) from and on behalf of AMN Healthcare, and affiliates. {{show_more}} I understand these messages will be to the email or phone number provided, and will be about employment opportunities, positions in which I’ve been placed, and my employment with AMN companies. See privacy policy or cookie policy for more details.

* Indicates Required Fields


I agree to receive emails, automated text messages and phone calls (including calls that contain prerecorded content) from and on behalf of AMN Healthcare, and affiliates. {{show_more}} I understand these messages will be to the email or phone number provided, and will be about employment opportunities, positions in which I’ve been placed, and my employment with AMN companies. See privacy policy or cookie policy for more details.

Complete Your Application!
Continue to NurseFinders to complete your application and profile.

Kickstart Your SLP Career with Our Clinical Fellowship Program!

Our Clinical Fellowship Program (CFY) sets you up for success with a job in your preferred location, a dedicated mentor, and a strong support system to help you thrive in your first year. Plus, you’ll get exclusive perks just for school Clinical Fellows:

  • CCC & $5,000 Tuition Reimbursement – We cover certification costs and help pay off your education.
  • Expert Mentorship & Full Support – Get guidance from experienced SLPs and a team that has your back.
  • Day-One Benefits & 401(k) – Enjoy medical, dental, vision, life insurance, and retirement planning from the start.

Maximize Your Chances of Landing the Perfect School Based SLP Assignment!

A complete profile gets you noticed faster, streamlines your booking process, and ensures you never miss an opportunity.

Download AMN Passport

This app is your all-in-one tool for managing your career in healthcare, from building a complete profile to finding and applying for jobs seamlessly. Download Now!

Complete Personal Info

Double-check personal information like your name, contact info, and date of birth are accurate. These are the basics recruiters rely on to identify and contact you. 

Finish Pending Items

AMN Passport’s Task Center is your to-do list. Whether it’s filling out forms or submitting references, AMN Passport notifies you about outstanding tasks.

Keep Your Profile Updated

A complete profile is your ticket to a faster, smoother job search experience. Having your profile up to date sets you up for success and keeps you from missing opportunities.

Complete Your Profile

Tune in to the SLP Full Disclosure Podcast

Our podcast covers everything from practical therapy techniques and cutting-edge technologies to early intervention, travel therapy, teletherapy, clinical fellowship, and beyond. 


Tune in now!  


Ep. 109: SLP Clinical Fellow Mentorship with Janet Scull

In this episode we unpack the pivotal role of the AMN Healthcare Clinical Fellow Mentor Program. We discuss the unique challenges new grads face in their first year as SLPs and how a strong mentoring relationship can make all the difference.


Ep. 108: Understanding Sensory Integration & Supporting Child Development

Michelle is joined by pediatric occupational therapist Erika Trump to unpack the complexities of sensory integration and processing. We explore the differences between sensory processing and dysregulation, and examine their impact on children’s behavior.


Ep. 107: Setting the Tone for 2025

In this episode, Michelle sets the tone for 2025 by discussing various topics and guests that will be featured throughout the year. Get ready for a record year covering the topics of all things SLP.

Hear From our Travelers...

Julie I. - 8 year SLP with AMN Healthcare

"Working with AMN has allowed me to explore our country both solo and with my best friend. This career path has given me the opportunity to work in a variety of settings across multiple states alongside a multitude of amazing professionals and clients. I have refined my clinical skills, pushed my comfort zone, reached new heights, made new friends, and even met the love of my life."