Live Q&A Ep. 26 - Traveler turned Recruiter
Host: Rachel Kelmer
Co-Host: Nicole Creighton
Guest: Crystal Thomas- OT and NBCOT
In episode 26 of our live Q&A series tune in to learn more about one of our past Occupational Therapist travelers Crystal who made the transition into an AMN Healthcare recruiter. Learn more from our hosts Rachel and Nicole about the current market and a unique perspective from therapist and recruiter! You don’t want to miss this episode.
What we talked about:
- What drew you to becoming a travel OT therapist?
Crystal said she could get a wide variety of experience, as a new grad it can be daunting picking a specialty. Travel gave me the option to try out different settings.
- What was your favorite part about being a traveler?
It made me a better occupational therapist; it pushed me outside my comfort zone. Traveling pushes you to become a better therapist and shows you new ways to do your job.
- Did you travel alone or with friends?
Crystal said she did it all, first she started off by herself and then traveled with her best friend. Later she started traveling with her husband, she had all three dogs with her for each assignment.