Live Q&A Episode 11 presenter and guests
Live Q&A January 9, 2023

Ep. 11: Travel Tips for the New Year

Host: Saundra Vild, DVP, Training
Guests: Corey Bolt, DVP Client Sales, Taylor Boone, Recruiter, Christina Schaffer, Senior Account Manager


In episode 11 of our Live Q&A event series, we're sharing a variety of tips for nurses! Our host, Saundra, and our guests, Corey, Taylor and Christina will chat about the current market, exclusive job opportunities and what to expect before starting your journey as an AMN nurse. Grab a friend and join us for this informative event!

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We Discuss

What does the current travel nursing market look like?

The demand for travel nurses is high! We're always looking for nurses like you to help serve our communities. If you're interested in starting your journey, visit our jobs page to explore available opportunities.

How does AMN Healthcare support the overall wellness of nurses?

We have various resources available to help support our clinicians and their immediate family members. Learn more about our Employee Assistance Program and other resources available.

What happens if my contract is cancelled?

Unfortunately, contracts can get cancelled for a variety of reasons. Your recruiter will support you, answer any questions and help find another contract that suits your needs.