Nursing Unchartered Ep. 59 - Nursing with a Master's in Public Health - Jan Carney

November 29, 2023

By Maggie Reichard

In this episode, Jan K Carney, MD, MPH joins the show to tell us all about getting a master's in public health (MPH). We discuss the admissions process, concentrations, research, advice, and more!

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We Discuss

(0:00) Introduction

(2:30) What is a Masters in Public Health (MPH)

(10:56) What Types of Jobs for Those with a Public Health Masters

(20:59) Admissions Requirements

(25:00) What is Global Health Concentration

(34:08) Understanding Research & Studies

(37:14) Advice for Nurses Interested in a Public Health Masters

About The Guest

Dr. Carney is Associate Dean for Public Health and Health Policy, and Professor of Medicine, at the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont (UVM). She earned an AB from Middlebury College, MD from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, and a Master of Public Health (MPH) from the Harvard School of Public Health. She previously served as Vermont’s Commissioner of Health under three gubernatorial administrations. In this role, she developed and implemented Vermont’s first outcome-based approach to improving public health, modeled on the national Healthy People initiative, combining clinical and community-based prevention.

At the University of Vermont, Dr. Carney developed and directed the graduate public health programs at the Larner College of Medicine, including a Master of Public Health and a new concentration in Global Health Leadership. She is the author of 3 public health textbooks, including Controversies in Public Health & Health Policy, and the most recent, A History of Public Health: From Past to Present.

Dr. Carney’s areas of research expertise include building and sustaining community-academic partnerships, translational research, and reducing disparities in rural areas. She is a member of the Association of Schools and Programs in Public Health and serves as a member of the Board of Regents of the American College of Physicians.

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