Nursing Live Q&A episode 2
Live Q&A April 21, 2022

Ep. 2 - Nursing: Let's Get Clinical

Host: Saundra Vild, DVP Training 
Guests: Patrice Berish, Senior Director of Recruitment

In episode 2 of our Nursing Live Q&A event series, our team is sharing the inside scoop on all things clinical support! Our host, Saundra, and our guest, Patrice, share conversations about our 24/7 clinical support team, what nurses can expect as the market stabilizes, and tips for new graduates. Tune in to learn how we support you through every assignment!  




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We Discuss


What local assignments are available and how can I qualify for a stipend?  

  • Travelers residing within 50 miles of the facility can qualify for a housing and meal stipend. You can find a variety of local assignments through Nursefinders 

How does the clinical team support travelers?  

  • Our clinical team is available 24/7 to answer questions and support you while on assignment.  
  • Please visit our website to learn more about the clinical support team.  

What programs are available to support new graduates?  

  • Along with our new grad program, our clinical team and recruiters are a lifeline for new grads taking their first assignment.  
  • Looking for more resources available to new graduates? Read more on our blog page